Want Success in 2021? Plan for it!

Thinking about your business action steps for 2021? January 1st is just around the corner! Today is the season for planning. Calendars on store shelves gives us a valuable hint: Time to plan. It’s natural. It’s the cycle of what all businesses SHOULD do.

During COVID, is it business as usual? No, however we adapt, change and move-on. What other choice do we really have? Let’s have the mindset: If you write your plans, then you have given them a platform to live.

Task One is to re-analyze customers’ expectations. To dive into this, how do you analyze? Why not take a Mastermind approach? Accurate insight into your customer’s expectations IS THE CORNERSTONE for your planning. It will help you develop a current, relevant and future blue-print for future services, products and communications.

If you don’t know (i.e. you’re guessing) what customers really want from your business, take three action steps to find out…for sure. Why not take a social media poll, conduct a ZOOM focus group, or call select customers and ask them? Better yet, do all three. Is it worth the time and effort? YES it is. This insight is the foundation for YOUR Success Strategy. Maybe, just maybe, (or I would assert certainly), you’ll learn something new. Insight is hidden treasure about how your customer’s feel and think. Honest insight will be invaluable for your 2021 success.

Tune-back in for more planning ideas. Write them down. By the end of Decemember, your planning calendar and To-Do Cliff Notes will be chalked full of ideas and action steps for 2021.

Won’t that feel great?

Published by

Roberta Nadler

I enjoy working with Clients with their Marketing, Promotions, and Promotional Product Selection. Also, I am an advocate for seniors, Speaker, and Avid Amateur Photographer. Mostly though, people know me for my positive attitude. Have been in Toastmasters for over 5 years and have enjoyed serving as a District Officer. www.ConectTheDotsAdvertising.com Roberta@ConnectTheDotsAdvertising.com

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